Enrollment Marketing



Materials to communicate the information you need while attracting and converting the students you want.



We want to hear from the admissions team. What do you need? What makes your job easier? And most importantly, how can we help you reach your goals?  We also want to hear from the students. We round up a few and pick their brain to find out what attracted them to your school and how to better communicate with them.




We take all of our new found knowledge and funnel it into two or three concepts. Then we bring it back to you, and as a team we decide what the best options are. Our goal is produce the best possible content, so the more feedback the better.




Once the concepts are nailed down, we do the dirty work. We design, write, and compile all the components and create something exciting. After a couple rounds of revisions and corrections, our baby will go off to the printer, where we act as your advocate to make sure you get the best prices and quality. 



Follow Up

We aren't done yet! Just because the materials are complete doesn’t mean the work is. We follow up to see how it's working, how it might be improved and what additional pieces you might need.